Job labels

STATUS: Draft: Some structure and useful information - test and refine before use

Opportunity: Include the same CICD element multiple times

Example: some teams need to deploy to multiple environments or clusters, with slightly different settings for each, but a similar script. Inputs make it easy to keep the configuration DRY while keeping the parameters local.

A client needed to deploy to a custom platform across multiple environments and regions. To avoid repetition, we include the same element more than once.

In deploy-phase.gitlab-ci.yml:

  - local: deploy-job.gitlab-ci.yml
      region: west
      env: stage
  - local: deploy-job.gitlab-ci.yml
      region: east
      env: stage
  - local: deploy-job.gitlab-ci.yml
      region: west
      env: prod
  # ...etc...

Problem: Job name collision

Job names are global to the entire pipeline, across all include: elements, including base jobs. In the example above, if the deploy-job element included a job such as deploy, YAML interpolation would overwrite the job name each time, and only one job would appear in the pipeline. The impact confuses some developers.

Solution: Reference unique inputs in job names

In deploy-job.gitlab-ci.yml:

  # ... other aspects of job definition ...
    # ... other parts of script ...
    - mvn deploy -Denv=$[[inputs.env]] -Dregion=$[[inputs.region]]

The jobs appear in the pipeline UI and API responses with unique names such as deploy-dev-west.

Hot tip: Use explicit job labels

For many job elements, multiple use cases aren't apparent when the job is created. But others might come up with reasons to use a job more than once. Consider using an explicit job label in every job element in a library.

In some-test-job.gitlab-ci.yml:

      default: job
      description: >-
        Set to differentiate jobs if using this element more than once in a pipeline.
    # ... other inputs ...
    # ... job definition ...

The base library usess the pattern extensively (example).